About Me

I’m a mathematician working on stochastic processes and their applications. My current center of interest are related to the study of random graph process using probabilistic techniques, such as exploration processes.

Since September 2023, I am Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences) at the Laboratoire d’Analyse et Mathématiques Appliquées (LAMA), at the Université Paris Est Créteil (aka Paris 12).

From December 2021 until August 2023, I was a postdoc at the IRMA, at Université de Strasbourg, under the supervision of Vlada Limic. My postdoc position was funded by the ITI IRMIA++. My postdoc project was focused on the study of near critical random graphs models.

I finished my PhD in Mathematics in December 2021 at CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine and Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France. My PhD advisors were Djalil Chafaï and Simona Grusea. My PhD research was focused on the study of some properties of a class of interacting particle process modeling the evolution of a population in time with mutation and reproduction interactions.

My PhD thesis is entitled “Multi-allelic Moran models and quasi-stationary distributions” and a copy of it can be found here.

I will be participating in the research school EMALCA 2024 in Havana Cuba. The school include courses given by Laura Eslava (UNAM) and Gerónimo Uribe Bravo (UNAM).
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  • Markov processes
  • Random graphs
  • Coalescent processes
  • PhD in Mathematics

    Université Paris-Dauphine

  • MSc in Mathematics - Probability and Statistics

    University of Havana

  • BSc in Mathematics

    University of Havana

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