Curriculum Vitae
Jul 25, 2023
1. Education
- (2018-2021) PhD Mathematics, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
- (2015-2017) MSc Mathematics, University of Havana, Cuba
- (2011-2015) BSc Mathematics, University of Havana, Cuba
2. Preprints
- (2024) J. Corujo, S. Lemaire, V. Limic A novel approach to the giant component fluctuations arXiv: 2412.06995
- (2024) L. Chikhi, W. Rodríguez, C. Paris, M. Ha-Shan, A. Jouniaux, A. Arredondo, C. Noûs, S. Grusea, J. Corujo, I. Lourenço, S. Boitard, O. Mazet Extending the IICR to multiple genomes and identification of limitations of some demographic inferential methods biorXiv : 10.1101/2024.08.16.608273v2
- (2024) J. Corujo, The number of connected components in sub-critical random graph processes arXiv: 2406.06380
- (2023) A. Arredondo, J. Corujo, C. Noûs, S. Boitard, L. Chikhi and O. Mazet Exact calculation of the expected SFS in structured populations biorXiv : 10.1101/2023.05.10.540112
- (2023) J. Corujo and V. Limic A dynamical approach to spanning and surplus edges of random graphs arXiv: 2305.04716
- (2023) J. Corujo and V. Limic The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited arXiv: 2304.07545
3. Publications in Journals
- (2023) J. Corujo On the spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model (pubished in ALEA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
- (2023) J. Corujo, D. Flores-Peñaloza, C. Huemer, P. Pérez-Lantero, P. Seara Matching random colored points with rectangles (published in JOCO) URL
- (2022) B. Cloez and J. Corujo Uniform in time propagation of chaos for a Moran model (published in SPA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
- (2021) J. Corujo and J. E. Valdés Further results on stochastic orderings and aging classes in systems with age replacement (published in PEIS) HAL | DOI
- (2021) J. Corujo Dynamics of a Fleming – Viot type particle system on the cycle graph (published in SPA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
- (2018) W. Rodríguez, O. Mazet, S. Grusea, A. Arredondo, J. Corujo, J. Boitard and L. Chikhi The IICR and the non-stationary structured coalescent: towards demographic inference with arbitrary changes in population structure (published in Heredity) HAL | DOI
- (2018) J. Corujo, J. E. Valdés and J. C. Laria Stochastic comparisons of two-unit repairable systems (published in CS-TM) arXiv | DOI
4. Publications in Conferences
- (2020) J. Corujo, D. Flores-Peñaloza, C. Huemer, P. Pérez-Lantero, C. Seara Matching random colored points with rectangles WALCOM 2020 LNCS volume 12049 | DOI
5. PhD Manuscript
- (2021) J. Corujo Multi-allelic Moran models and quasi-stationary distributions. Université Paris-Dauphine | PhD thesis
6. Conferences and Talks
- (Jan. 2025) Talk: Combien de composantes connexes il y a dans un graphe aléatoire d’Erdös-Rényi sous-critique ?, Séminaire de Probabilités, Institut Fourier
- (Nov. 2024) EMALCA 2024 in Havana Cuba.
- (Oct. 2024) Conference Non-local branching processes Marseille, France
- (Aug. 2024) Journées MAS, Poitiers, France
- (March 2024) Evolution in structured populations: recent progress and new challenges (Conference in honour of Alison Etheridge), University of Oxford, UK
- (Dec. 2023) EverEvol – Population dynamics: from rare events to evolution, Grenoble, France
- (Nov. 2023) Talk: Encoding the size of the connected components and number of surplus edges of random graphs, Séminaire du LMAC, Compiègne, France
- (Oct. 2023) Talk: Random graphs and the augmented multiplicative coalescent Groupe de travail probabilités, Créteil, France.
- (Sept. 2023) Talk: Random graphs and the augmented multiplicative coalescent, Journée d’accueil du LAMA, Marne la Vallée, France
- (June 2023) Invited speaker for the 21st INFORMS APS Conference. Talk: Convergence of the empirical measure induced by a Moran type particle system Slides, Nancy, France. Poster: The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited (Best Poster Award)
- (June 2023) Talk: The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited Journées de Probabilité 2023, Angers, France. Slides
- (June 2023) Chalk Talk, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal. Slides
- (April 2023) Talk: Large population limits for a mutation-selection Moran model. Séminaire Maths-Bio, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France.
- (Oct. 2022) Talk: A dynamical approach to spanning and surplus edges of random graphs, Séminaire de Probabilités y Statistique, IECL Nancy, France. Slides
- (Oct. 2022) Talk: Some recent advances in the multiplicative coalescent and near-critical random graphs, ITI IRMIA++ Day, Strasbourg, France
- (Oct. 2022) Poster: IICR of structured populations with size change: strong and weak migration. Journées Math Bio Santé 2022, Besançon, France | Julia Notebooks for the plots
- (May 2022) Summer School Mathematics of Large Networks, Budapest, Hungary
- (Apr. 2022) Talk: Spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model, Recent progress in probabilistic modelling of population genetics, Royal Statistical Society, UK
- (Apr. 2022) Talk: A neutral multi-allelic Moran model: spectral elements and cutoff, Séminaire (de calcul) stochastique de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
- (Mar. 2022) Talk: Speed of convergence to the mean-field limit for a mutation-selection particle system. Workshop ANR QuAMProcs, Inria Paris, France
- (Dec. 2021) Talk: Propagation of chaos for a multi-allelic Moran model. GDR MAMOVI 2021, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
- (Jul. 2021) 5th Workshop on Probability and Evolution. CIRM, Marseille, France
- (Jun. 2021) Talk: Spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral Moran model. Seminario de Probabilità, Analisi Stocastica e Statistica, Università di Pisa, Italy
- (Feb. 2021) Talk: Spectrum of the neutral Moran model and its long time behaviour. Journée de doctorants en Probabilités, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France
- (Dec. 2020) Talk: On the spectrum of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model. Séminaire de Probabilités, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France
- (Nov. 2020) Talk: Spectral properties of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model. Séminaire de Probabilité et Statistique, Montpellier, France.
- (Mar. 2020) Talk: Convergence of a Fleming–Viot type particle system on the cycle graph. 14th International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba
- (Feb. 2020) Research school EDP et probabilité pour la biologie. CIRM, Marseille, France
- (Dec. 2019) Poster: Quantitative results on a multi-allelic Moran type model with mutation. Workshop on Models and Inference in Population Genetics, Warwick University, UK
- (Sep. 2019) Talk: Quantitative results for a Moran type particle process in the cycle graph. GDR MAMOVI 2019, Université de Tours, France
- (Jul. 2017) Talk: Stochastic Comparisons of Two-Units Markovian Reparable Systems. 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Grenoble, France