Curriculum Vitae

Jul 25, 2023

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A photo of my cat
Chachachá, my cat

1. Education

  • (2018-2021) PhD Mathematics, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
  • (2015-2017) MSc Mathematics, University of Havana, Cuba
  • (2011-2015) BSc Mathematics, University of Havana, Cuba

2. Preprints

  1. (2024) L. Chikhi, W. Rodríguez, C. Paris, M. Ha-Shan, A. Jouniaux, A. Arredondo, C. Noûs, S. Grusea, J. Corujo, I. Lourenço, S. Boitard, O. Mazet Extending the IICR to multiple genomes and identification of limitations of some demographic inferential methods biorXiv : 10.1101/2024.08.16.608273v2
  2. (2024) J. Corujo, The number of connected components in sub-critical random graph processes arXiv: 2406.06380
  3. (2023) A. Arredondo, J. Corujo, C. Noûs, S. Boitard, L. Chikhi and O. Mazet Exact calculation of the expected SFS in structured populations biorXiv : 10.1101/2023.05.10.540112
  4. (2023) J. Corujo and V. Limic A dynamical approach to spanning and surplus edges of random graphs arXiv: 2305.04716
  5. (2023) J. Corujo and V. Limic The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited arXiv: 2304.07545

3. Publications in Journals

  1. (2023) J. Corujo On the spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model (pubished in ALEA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
  2. (2023) J. Corujo, D. Flores-Peñaloza, C. Huemer, P. Pérez-Lantero, P. Seara Matching random colored points with rectangles (published in JOCO) URL
  3. (2022) B. Cloez and J. Corujo Uniform in time propagation of chaos for a Moran model (published in SPA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
  4. (2021) J. Corujo and J. E. Valdés Further results on stochastic orderings and aging classes in systems with age replacement (published in PEIS) HAL | DOI
  5. (2021) J. Corujo Dynamics of a Fleming – Viot type particle system on the cycle graph (published in SPA) arXiv | HAL | DOI
  6. (2018) W. Rodríguez, O. Mazet, S. Grusea, A. Arredondo, J. Corujo, J. Boitard and L. Chikhi The IICR and the non-stationary structured coalescent: towards demographic inference with arbitrary changes in population structure (published in Heredity) HAL | DOI
  7. (2018) J. Corujo, J. E. Valdés and J. C. Laria Stochastic comparisons of two-unit repairable systems (published in CS-TM) arXiv | DOI

4. Publications in Conferences

  1. (2020) J. Corujo, D. Flores-Peñaloza, C. Huemer, P. Pérez-Lantero, C. Seara Matching random colored points with rectangles WALCOM 2020 LNCS volume 12049 | DOI

5. PhD Manuscript

  • (2021) J. Corujo Multi-allelic Moran models and quasi-stationary distributions. Université Paris-Dauphine | PhD thesis

6. Conferences and Talks

  1. (Oct. 2024) Conference Non-local branching processes Marseille, France
  2. (Aug. 2024) Journées MAS, Poitiers, France
  3. (March 2024) Evolution in structured populations: recent progress and new challenges (Conference in honour of Alison Etheridge), University of Oxford, UK
  4. (Dec. 2023) EverEvol – Population dynamics: from rare events to evolution, Grenoble, France
  5. (Nov. 2023) Talk: Encoding the size of the connected components and number of surplus edges of random graphs, Séminaire du LMAC, Compiègne, France
  6. (Oct. 2023) Talk: Random graphs and the augmented multiplicative coalescent Groupe de travail probabilités, Créteil, France.
  7. (Sept. 2023) Talk: Random graphs and the augmented multiplicative coalescent, Journée d’accueil du LAMA, Marne la Vallée, France
  8. (June 2023) Invited speaker for the 21st INFORMS APS Conference. Talk: Convergence of the empirical measure induced by a Moran type particle system Slides, Nancy, France. Poster: The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited (Best Poster Award)
  9. (June 2023) Talk: The standard augmented multiplicative coalescent revisited Journées de Probabilité 2023, Angers, France. Slides
  10. (June 2023) Chalk Talk, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal. Slides
  11. (April 2023) Talk: Large population limits for a mutation-selection Moran model. Séminaire Maths-Bio, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France.
  12. (Oct. 2022) Talk: A dynamical approach to spanning and surplus edges of random graphs, Séminaire de Probabilités y Statistique, IECL Nancy, France. Slides
  13. (Oct. 2022) Talk: Some recent advances in the multiplicative coalescent and near-critical random graphs, ITI IRMIA++ Day, Strasbourg, France
  14. (Oct. 2022) Poster: IICR of structured populations with size change: strong and weak migration. Journées Math Bio Santé 2022, Besançon, France | Julia Notebooks for the plots
  15. (May 2022) Summer School Mathematics of Large Networks, Budapest, Hungary
  16. (Apr. 2022) Talk: Spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model, Recent progress in probabilistic modelling of population genetics, Royal Statistical Society, UK
  17. (Apr. 2022) Talk: A neutral multi-allelic Moran model: spectral elements and cutoff, Séminaire (de calcul) stochastique de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
  18. (Mar. 2022) Talk: Speed of convergence to the mean-field limit for a mutation-selection particle system. Workshop ANR QuAMProcs, Inria Paris, France
  19. (Dec. 2021) Talk: Propagation of chaos for a multi-allelic Moran model. GDR MAMOVI 2021, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
  20. (Jul. 2021) 5th Workshop on Probability and Evolution. CIRM, Marseille, France
  21. (Jun. 2021) Talk: Spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral Moran model. Seminario de Probabilità, Analisi Stocastica e Statistica, Università di Pisa, Italy
  22. (Feb. 2021) Talk: Spectrum of the neutral Moran model and its long time behaviour. Journée de doctorants en Probabilités, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France
  23. (Dec. 2020) Talk: On the spectrum of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model. Séminaire de Probabilités, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France
  24. (Nov. 2020) Talk: Spectral properties of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model. Séminaire de Probabilité et Statistique, Montpellier, France.
  25. (Mar. 2020) Talk: Convergence of a Fleming–Viot type particle system on the cycle graph. 14th International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba
  26. (Feb. 2020) Research school EDP et probabilité pour la biologie. CIRM, Marseille, France
  27. (Dec. 2019) Poster: Quantitative results on a multi-allelic Moran type model with mutation. Workshop on Models and Inference in Population Genetics, Warwick University, UK
  28. (Sep. 2019) Talk: Quantitative results for a Moran type particle process in the cycle graph. GDR MAMOVI 2019, Université de Tours, France
  29. (Jul. 2017) Talk: Stochastic Comparisons of Two-Units Markovian Reparable Systems. 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Grenoble, France

Photo from a bridge in Strasbourg
One of my favorite views in Strasbourg